
my pet is dog

My pet is dog. Her name is Shiru. She is female. Her body is fat. She has long tail. When she walked her tail shake. She likes to eat meat and bone. But, Shiru dislike take a bath. She has long feather. The colour of her feather is black and white. She is a naughty dog. She always hops when she meet meal dog. I like my dog, because she is my friend gift.

Vll B / 19

Her full name is Cinta Laura Kill and her nick name is Cinta. She is young film star. She is 14 years old. She is a student of senior high school. The colour of her skin is white. Her hair is long. She is slim and thin. She has a song and the title is “You Say Aku”. Her voice is high and loud. She was play film Cinderella, Upik Abu and Laura, etc.

Vll B / 19

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